Friday, May 6, 2011

Good news!!

Posted by MoonB at 12:24 AM
First,I have to give a shout out to my one of my dear friends, Glo, who will be stuyding abroad in Seoul, Korea for a year!!I don't want to get into my friends whole life story, but long story short:It has always been her dream to go to I'm happy that she finally gets a chance to do so, and I hope this experience for her is rewarding in many ways possible towards her future. Hopefully I can visit her before she leaves as well as see her in Korea!! Now if only we can develop a youtube channel when we bitch about life ...thats my ultimate dream for my friend and I

Now...second good news!!
My boyfriend said *Onechan wants to visit America in September with him =)
Onechan is what my boyfriend's mom told me to call her lol
I really hope she comes! I miss her so much!!!! I haven't seen her since the summer of 2008=(. Sadly I can't really communicate with her due to a language barrier, but she would still talk to me in Japanese regardless, and it did help my comprehension greatly. She also reminded me somewhat of my mom..they're both funny and don't give a damn about what other people think. I'am truly grateful that my boyfriend's mother accepts me even though we can't communicate much. I told my mother about this and she said she'd be more than happy to let Hisao's mother stay with us...which has me debating my trip to Japan in August.

Lately I've been thinking...why go visit Nagasaki in August when I'm Japan bound in October(2 months later...). True,my bf planned to pay for my ticket so it wouldn't cost me a thing, but since I really want to see onechan and want her to meet my family, I feel its best my boyfriend use that money to purchase a ticket for his mother instead..and we just wait to see one another in September. This would also enable me to travel to Nyc in time to see Gloria before she leaves. I know, how horrible of a person I am to ditch my bf in hopes I can go to Nyc for a vacation to see my family and friends XD...but it does make more sense to me, and I yet to find a way to explain that to him. *sighs* I don't want him to feel bad, but it is time we start acted like adults and make wise decisions...
Yes, I want to see my boyfriend....
the last time we saw each other was last September of 2010...
but the way I see it....we're going to see each other for a month, and than we leave together for Japan to finally be together in the same damn country/city...
I won't see my friends or family for a long time, hell I haven't seen them since I left nyc...
So I think in the end, its all fair for me to just forget my trip to Japan for the summer, go to nyc, and get ready for my bf to spend time with me for a month.
It sucks, but I really want to see onechan and let her have a nice vacation in America. I think she would be very happy if her son paid for her to go to guess we're going to have an adult talk very soon =X

In other news with my workout...My trainer really knows how to abuse me, but alas!!
MY JIGGLY LEGS AREN'T JIGGLING MUCH ANYMORE!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Sadly I am now walking like an old lady...*sighs* I don't know how I can face him on Saturday, but I'll do my best!!!


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